dlu hati nie prnh mengharp pd sseorg..haish..sush bler dah syg semua..
tp mgkin salh ak..lambat sgt sampai melepas..hahaha.
org kata klau dah suka kna cepat2..tp ak malu2 la semua..dah melepas..apela lelaki nk malu2..:)
pastu adala bbrp org girl nk rpt..tp hatiku tk mcm ada prasaan mcm girl yg ak syg tu..
prasaan syg ada tp tk mcm ak syg kt dia..ak mntk maaf krana tk dpt pilih girl2 tu walaupun korg sgtlah baek..mgkin satu hari nnti insyaalah..tp hati ak blum terbuka lg..
now girl yg ak syg tu dh jauh dri hati ak..tp hati ak tk boleh tpu walaupun mulut ak kata tidak..
so ak nk dia berlalu je..biarlah dia tetap dlm lubuk hati ak je..ak hrp dpt lupakan dia dgn kesibukan ku skrg...aku berharap agar ak dpt yg lebih o serupa mcm dia satu hati nnti :) amin...hehe..dan ak harap satu hari nnti dia dpt cri sseorg yg betol syg kt dia..
dan ak harap hati ak akn terbuka cept untuk pilih someone untuk jd my princess,, :D
saya still love awk.. :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
come come :)
lama dah tk tulis kt blog nie..nk tulis pun tatau nk tulis ape..hehe
hobi? kerjaya? current issue? o prasan? tatau la yg mana satu..hmm.
tp blog nie akn ak hidupkan kmbali untuk ak suka duka ku di atas dunia nie.. :)
hobi? kerjaya? current issue? o prasan? tatau la yg mana satu..hmm.
tp blog nie akn ak hidupkan kmbali untuk ak suka duka ku di atas dunia nie.. :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
M.I.S - MoRE exPerience
for ur information.. many thing i learn from this assignment. 1st day i get the assignment i ttdon't know how to do the assignment. im so confused. but now i know..
i take 2 week to prepared the quatation. i get many thing from the survey. i learn how to get the best price from the survey. i know the compare among the others products. And the best thing i get from the survey is what should be in the computer desktop, laptop, printer, and scanner before we want to buy the product. how their price? what their specification?
tq En. Syzry fou ur helped and the information. after this i can't be lying again by the seller..
for ur information.. many thing i learn from this assignment. 1st day i get the assignment i ttdon't know how to do the assignment. im so confused. but now i know..
i take 2 week to prepared the quatation. i get many thing from the survey. i learn how to get the best price from the survey. i know the compare among the others products. And the best thing i get from the survey is what should be in the computer desktop, laptop, printer, and scanner before we want to buy the product. how their price? what their specification?
tq En. Syzry fou ur helped and the information. after this i can't be lying again by the seller..
M.I.S - Analog Signal
Analog signal..

An Analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, example like analogous to another time varying signal. It differs from a digital signal in terms of small fluctuations in the signal which are meaningful. Analog is usually thought of in an electrical context; however, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and other systems may also convey analog signals.
An analog signal uses some property of the medium to convey the signal's information. For example, an aneroid barometer uses rotary position as the signal to convey pressure information. Electrically, the property most commonly used is voltage followed closely by frequency, current, and charge.
Any information may be conveyed by an analog signal; often such a signal is a measured response to changes in physical phenomena, such as sound, light, temperature, position, or pressure, and is achieved using a transducer.
For example, in sound recording, fluctuations in air pressure (that is to say, sound) strike the diaphragm of a microphone which causes corresponding fluctuations in a voltage or the current in an electric circuit. The voltage or the current is said to be an "analog" of the sound.
The main advantage is the fine definition of the analog signal which has the potential for an infinite amount of signal resolution. It's compared to digital signals, analog signals are of higher density.
Another advantage with analog signals is that their processing may be achieved more simply than with the digital equivalent. An analog signal may be processed directly by analog components, though some processes aren't available except in digital form.
The primary disadvantage of analog signaling is that any system has noise – i.e., random unwanted variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long distances, these apparently random variations become dominant. Electrically, these losses can be diminished by shielding, good connections, and several cable types such as coaxial or twisted pair.
The effects of noise create signal loss and distortion. This is impossible to recover, since amplifying the signal to recover attenuated parts of the signal amplifies the noise (distortion/interference) as well. Even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a comparable digital signal, in many cases, the difference is overshadowed by the noise in the signal.

An Analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying feature (variable) of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity, example like analogous to another time varying signal. It differs from a digital signal in terms of small fluctuations in the signal which are meaningful. Analog is usually thought of in an electrical context; however, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and other systems may also convey analog signals.
An analog signal uses some property of the medium to convey the signal's information. For example, an aneroid barometer uses rotary position as the signal to convey pressure information. Electrically, the property most commonly used is voltage followed closely by frequency, current, and charge.
Any information may be conveyed by an analog signal; often such a signal is a measured response to changes in physical phenomena, such as sound, light, temperature, position, or pressure, and is achieved using a transducer.
For example, in sound recording, fluctuations in air pressure (that is to say, sound) strike the diaphragm of a microphone which causes corresponding fluctuations in a voltage or the current in an electric circuit. The voltage or the current is said to be an "analog" of the sound.
The main advantage is the fine definition of the analog signal which has the potential for an infinite amount of signal resolution. It's compared to digital signals, analog signals are of higher density.
Another advantage with analog signals is that their processing may be achieved more simply than with the digital equivalent. An analog signal may be processed directly by analog components, though some processes aren't available except in digital form.
The primary disadvantage of analog signaling is that any system has noise – i.e., random unwanted variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long distances, these apparently random variations become dominant. Electrically, these losses can be diminished by shielding, good connections, and several cable types such as coaxial or twisted pair.
The effects of noise create signal loss and distortion. This is impossible to recover, since amplifying the signal to recover attenuated parts of the signal amplifies the noise (distortion/interference) as well. Even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a comparable digital signal, in many cases, the difference is overshadowed by the noise in the signal.
M.I.S - How to be a nice friend..
FriEnd ForEveR...
How to be a nice friend?
Be yourself.
Or else you'll end up making friends with people who like you for something you aren't. A great way to make friends while being yourself, is to join some sort of club that does things or talks about things that you like. Talk about the things you like to do, and ask other people what they would like to do.
Be loyal.
If you make plans with them to do something, then do it. Don't back down at the last minute because your hair isn't just right or you suddenly don't feel like doing whatever it is you guys planned to do. It will bring you, as friends, closer. BUT if you are sick, or anything else like that happens, you should stay home, but make sure to tell your friend what happened.
Be nice.
When they are sick, offer to pick up their school work. When they are over at your house, ask them if they would like a drink or a snack. It doesn't mean you should act like a slave, or expect things in return, just have general good manners with them. In the end, it'll make you feel like a good person.
Do bonding activities.
Go to a sports game together and cheer on your favorite team! Join a class together! Go on walks! Do art projects or any type of project together! Anything that you both enjoy doing and requires teamwork or even physical activity is a bonding activity and it strengthens your friendship.
Be there for them.
When your friend/friends are sad, cheer them up. If something bad happens in their family, be there to listen to them, and talk about it with them. A good friend is someone you can share your thoughts with and is there for you when you're down.
Learn to talk it out.
Sure, there will be good times and there will also be bad times. If you and a friend get in an argument, it won't do you or them any good to hold a grudge or ignore them. Learn how to deal with these conflicts by talking things out with them. If they aren't willing to listen to you, give it some time. And if they still aren't willing to listen and you've tried your best to say your sorry in person, leave an apology on their answering machine or give them a note, and get going with your life.
Laugh together! It is always fun to laugh with a friend.
How to be a nice friend?
Be yourself.
Or else you'll end up making friends with people who like you for something you aren't. A great way to make friends while being yourself, is to join some sort of club that does things or talks about things that you like. Talk about the things you like to do, and ask other people what they would like to do.
Be loyal.
If you make plans with them to do something, then do it. Don't back down at the last minute because your hair isn't just right or you suddenly don't feel like doing whatever it is you guys planned to do. It will bring you, as friends, closer. BUT if you are sick, or anything else like that happens, you should stay home, but make sure to tell your friend what happened.
Be nice.
When they are sick, offer to pick up their school work. When they are over at your house, ask them if they would like a drink or a snack. It doesn't mean you should act like a slave, or expect things in return, just have general good manners with them. In the end, it'll make you feel like a good person.
Do bonding activities.
Go to a sports game together and cheer on your favorite team! Join a class together! Go on walks! Do art projects or any type of project together! Anything that you both enjoy doing and requires teamwork or even physical activity is a bonding activity and it strengthens your friendship.
Be there for them.
When your friend/friends are sad, cheer them up. If something bad happens in their family, be there to listen to them, and talk about it with them. A good friend is someone you can share your thoughts with and is there for you when you're down.
Learn to talk it out.
Sure, there will be good times and there will also be bad times. If you and a friend get in an argument, it won't do you or them any good to hold a grudge or ignore them. Learn how to deal with these conflicts by talking things out with them. If they aren't willing to listen to you, give it some time. And if they still aren't willing to listen and you've tried your best to say your sorry in person, leave an apology on their answering machine or give them a note, and get going with your life.
Laugh together! It is always fun to laugh with a friend.
- If your friend isn't reciprocating your actions (being loyal, being nice, etc.) then perhaps they are taking advantage of you. Be careful about this, because it can really hurt you.
- Don't become a slave. It fits in with the above warning. You shouldn't have to do all those things for them if they aren't doing them for you.
- Don't exclude friends. It hurts their feelings! Think about how it would feel if you were excluded from a group of people.
M.I.S - Malaysia's History..
i LovE Malaysia..

Malaysia's recorded history dates back to the first century BC. Located strategically at the crossroads between the East and West, Peninsula Malaysia had attracted early travellers from different parts of the world.
Evidence of ancient civilisations such as tomb stones can be found in Bujang Valley and Merbok Valley in the state of Kedah, as well as Hindu-Buddhist influences from India and China.
Islamic influence came during the Melaka Sultanate in the 1400s with traders from the Middle East and India. It spread across the nation when the Sultan of Melaka embraced the religion and personally helped spread it across the nation. The reign of the Sultanate also created trade ties with the Kingdom of China.
Melaka's spice trade led to its attack by the Portuguese in 1511, resulting in the fall of the Sultanate. Together with their conquest, the Portuguese brought in Catholic Christianity to the locals. But in 1641 the Dutch took over control of Melaka. The British came at the end of the 18th century in the wake of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
They formed crown colony states of the Peninsular called the Straits Settlements and subtly intervened in the administration of the previously independent states.
In East Malaysia, Sabah became a British protectorate under the Chartered Company, British North Borneo, whilst the Brooke family ruled Sarawak as the White Rajah, meaning the White King, for 100 years. In 1941, the Japanese invaded the country and ruled for about three years before their surrender to the Allied Forces after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.The end of World War II was the beginning of the birth of nationalism in the country.

On August 31, 1957 at 9.00am, Tunku Abdul Rahman (who became the first Prime Minister) read the Proclamation of Independence and declared the Malay States of Malaya "with God's blessing, shall forever be a sovereign democratic and independent state…" Freedom had been won peacefully. In 1963 Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak joined hands to form Malaysia (but Singapore seceded in 1965).
Since independence Malaysia has had six Prime Ministers namely, Tunku Abdul Rahman (known as Father of Independence), Tun Razak (Father of Development), Tun Hussein Onn (Father of Unity),Tun Dr Mahathir ( who was born in 1925 is the longest running leader in Asia having been Prime Minister since 1981. ), Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the current prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak
Evidence of ancient civilisations such as tomb stones can be found in Bujang Valley and Merbok Valley in the state of Kedah, as well as Hindu-Buddhist influences from India and China.
Islamic influence came during the Melaka Sultanate in the 1400s with traders from the Middle East and India. It spread across the nation when the Sultan of Melaka embraced the religion and personally helped spread it across the nation. The reign of the Sultanate also created trade ties with the Kingdom of China.
Melaka's spice trade led to its attack by the Portuguese in 1511, resulting in the fall of the Sultanate. Together with their conquest, the Portuguese brought in Catholic Christianity to the locals. But in 1641 the Dutch took over control of Melaka. The British came at the end of the 18th century in the wake of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
They formed crown colony states of the Peninsular called the Straits Settlements and subtly intervened in the administration of the previously independent states.
In East Malaysia, Sabah became a British protectorate under the Chartered Company, British North Borneo, whilst the Brooke family ruled Sarawak as the White Rajah, meaning the White King, for 100 years. In 1941, the Japanese invaded the country and ruled for about three years before their surrender to the Allied Forces after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.The end of World War II was the beginning of the birth of nationalism in the country.

On August 31, 1957 at 9.00am, Tunku Abdul Rahman (who became the first Prime Minister) read the Proclamation of Independence and declared the Malay States of Malaya "with God's blessing, shall forever be a sovereign democratic and independent state…" Freedom had been won peacefully. In 1963 Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak joined hands to form Malaysia (but Singapore seceded in 1965).
Since independence Malaysia has had six Prime Ministers namely, Tunku Abdul Rahman (known as Father of Independence), Tun Razak (Father of Development), Tun Hussein Onn (Father of Unity),Tun Dr Mahathir ( who was born in 1925 is the longest running leader in Asia having been Prime Minister since 1981. ), Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the current prime Minister Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak
Thursday, August 27, 2009
M.I.S - why you need to know about H1N1..
Why it's hitting children and pregnant women so hard??
What Is IT?
Swine flu, also known as A(H1N1) has been circulating since April. The current pandemic is caused by a previously unseen type which attacks the upper and lower airways.
Although it probably originated in pigs in Asia, it is now uniquely a human disease which is spreading very quickly around Ireland. At the time of going to press it was at a rate of at least 1,500 cases a week.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are like those of normal seasonal flu and include: fever that begins very suddenly, severe fatigue, a cough, a sore throat, a runny nose, headache and muscle aches. Some people have vomiting and diarrhoea.
While it is usually a mild disease, some people may develop complications such as pneumonia.
Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves?
Dr Ronan Boland, Chairman of the Irish Medical Organisation's GP Committee, says there is no evidence to indicate that taking traditional cold remedies such as vitamin C will make any difference.
The best way to avoid swine flu is through regular and thorough hand-washing (scrub your hands with soap for at least 15 seconds, before rinsing and drying thoroughly).
Who are those considered to be in high-risk groups?

Why it's hitting children and pregnant women so hard??
What Is IT?
Swine flu, also known as A(H1N1) has been circulating since April. The current pandemic is caused by a previously unseen type which attacks the upper and lower airways.
Although it probably originated in pigs in Asia, it is now uniquely a human disease which is spreading very quickly around Ireland. At the time of going to press it was at a rate of at least 1,500 cases a week.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are like those of normal seasonal flu and include: fever that begins very suddenly, severe fatigue, a cough, a sore throat, a runny nose, headache and muscle aches. Some people have vomiting and diarrhoea.
While it is usually a mild disease, some people may develop complications such as pneumonia.
Is there anything we can do to protect ourselves?
Dr Ronan Boland, Chairman of the Irish Medical Organisation's GP Committee, says there is no evidence to indicate that taking traditional cold remedies such as vitamin C will make any difference.
The best way to avoid swine flu is through regular and thorough hand-washing (scrub your hands with soap for at least 15 seconds, before rinsing and drying thoroughly).
Who are those considered to be in high-risk groups?
- People with chronic lung, heart, kidney, liver, neurological disease (such as Parkinson's), diabetes or lowered immune systems.
- People aged 65 years and older.
- Children under the age of five years (children under the age of two years are at higher risk of severe complications).
Children's immunity only builds up over time, partly through exposure to common infections. This may explain their increased risk.
- Pregnant women, who should be at the front of the queue when a swine flu vaccine becomes available, as they are up to four times more likely to become seriously ill with the virus, research from the US suggests.
Their increased risk is likely due to changes in the body during pregnancy. These include changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and immunologic changes, while lung capacity decreases because as the uterus grows it moves the diaphragm upwards.
- People on medication for asthma.
- Severely obese people (ie those with a BMI of more than 40).
What should I do if I get sick? ll decide if
If you get sick with a flu-like illness as described above, contact your doctor/family doctor by telephone. Then you need a treatment.
- Stay at home for seven days to avoid spreading infection to others.
- Cover your nose and mouth with tissues when sneezing, coughing, wiping and blowing your nose.
- Dispose of used tissues in the nearest waste bin.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water, and especially after coughing and sneezing. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
- Take simple anti-fever medication such as paracetamol or aspirin (aspirin should not be given to children under 16 years of age) and drink plenty of fluids.
Ensure that all household surfaces that are touched by hands are kept clean, especially bedside tables, surfaces in bathrooms and kitchens and children's toys. These should be wiped regularly with a household disinfectant.
The virus can live on a hard surface for up to 24 hours, and a soft surface for around 20 minutes.
How easily does this flu spread?
It appears that after a person becomes infected, it takes less than two days for symptoms to start and this is when people are most infectious. Influenza spreads quickly in closed communities such as schools or residential homes.
The virus can live on a hard surface for up to 24 hours, and a soft surface for around 20 minutes.
How easily does this flu spread?
It appears that after a person becomes infected, it takes less than two days for symptoms to start and this is when people are most infectious. Influenza spreads quickly in closed communities such as schools or residential homes.
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